More events!

Tuesday, Oct 26:
"Ghosts of Chicago" presentation at the Sulzer Library in Lincoln Square (north side of Chicago - 4400 block of N. Lincoln Ave). 7pm, Free!
event page

Friday, Oct 29:
Haunted Trolley Rides in Naperville
I'll be giving half-hour talks on the Trolley through Naperville (probably in my Zombie Flanders costume). $6, sponsored by Anderson's Book Shop. I'll be on the 6:45 and 8:15 trolleys.
event page

Thanks to everyone who came to the ghost talks in Stickney and Harwood Heights/Norridge last week!

Elsewhere on the internet:
There are two new posts at The Weird Chicago Blog about the first movie ever filmed in Chicago (help identify the building!) and film footage of Chicago daredevil Peder Nissen shooting the Niagara rapids in 1901.

And, of course, there's a new post for the week on Halloween

Working on a new project this week that I'm starting a BIT too early to quality for NaNoWriMo (it never QUITE lines up with my schedule), but it'll come about as close as I get to a NaNo project! I am in one of those rare "writing nirvana" states with this, where I sit down and write 20 pages without blinking or straining a bit. Facebook fans get more previews and teases!

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Adam's New Book: Sept 2013