What have I been working on?

- A new middle grade/YA project (sent the revised ms to my agent yesterday)

- A book called Speaking Ill of the Dead: Jerks from Chicago History for Globe Press (finishing up the photo stuff).

- A whole BUNCH of H.H. Holmes ebooks - one on his trial, one on the "curse of HH Holmes," and one analyzing his 1896 "confession" (which was mostly nonsense). (you can find links to all of those over at Chicago Unbelievable).

- Working up marketing ideas for a new YA book that is being shopped around.

- Preparing a "work for hire" sample for another publisher.

- Five or six ghost tours a week via Chicago Hauntings

- Getting the Back Row Hooligans album up onto iTunes. Just found out that a couple of songs have been played on Dr. Demento!

- A podcast interview for Made of Fail (warning: adult language - mostly not from me, but still).

- A whole, whole lot of iPhone Skee-Ball.


- Figure out what the heck to do with the "Satanic YA" novel.

- Finish up the Smart Aleck's Guides to four Shakespeare plays.

- Write a book about the Chicago mob for Globe.

- Write a Chicago ghostlore book for a TBA publisher (due out next year)

- Write up a "Ghost Hunting: A Guide for Skeptics" (or: How To HAve Fun Looking For Ghosts Without Feeling Like an Idiot") ebook for the same TBA publisher.

1 comment:

Ms. Yingling said...

Looking forward to whatever middle grade/ya books you are putting out, as always!

Adam's New Book: Sept 2013