The Naked Trike Angel of Merle Hay Mall: The Talk of the Town!

Been a big week for the Naked Trike Angel of Merle Hay Mall - the statue of a naked angel on a trike that used to grave the main walkway of the mall in Des Moines.  On Monday Sparks, the novel I wrote under the name SJ Adams that features the statue, got a Stonewall Honor from the ALA. The statue is referred to in the book as "St. Merle the Naked."

The next day an issue of DSM magazine was published carrying new article on it:


It's a big hit, already racking up some 3k+ shares on Facebook and being featured on radio shows! I feel as though the angel itself has rode over my head on his tricycle of fire.

Here are some collected photos - I'm always looking for more shots of the mall from the 80s/90s with or without the statue:

(above two courtesy of Mark Jacobsen)

above: the only color shot I know of showing the statue in a crowded mall setting! Wish I had it in better quality.

UpDown as he appeared when first installed.

"Merle" being moved to his new home - the one time he actually flew! Courtesy of Jerri Scott

Me and Merle, 2012

The Korean edition of Andrew North Blows Up the World was illustrated - here's how Merle appeared in the imaginations of the Korean illustrators!

And, because you asked, here's the face on the end of the penis:

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